
Welcome to Barbados Port Inc.'s payment platform. This platform facilitates payment of the below cargo handling fees where applicable:

  • F.A.S. (Free Alongside Ship)
  • Tonnage Dues
  • Unstuffing (applicable for containers fully or partially stripped on Port premises)
  • Storage (applicable to dry cargo only)
  • Plug (applicable to cold storage cargo only)
  • Security Surcharge
  • Hazardous Cargo Surcharge
  • Personal Effects (also known as the "Barrel Fee")
  • Plug Information
  • Verified Gross Mass (VGM) Certificates

Please familiarize yourself with our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy before continuing. All fees will be displayed in Barbados Dollars (BBD). Send email to paymentsupport@barbadosport.com should you have any queries.

We only accept VISA and MasterCard.
